We’re excited about the future of Holland Community Aquatic Center!
Last month, our Holland Community Swimming Pool Authority (HACSPA) solicited proposals for architectural, engineering, and aquatic pool design services, as well as construction management services for the renovation and expansion of the Aquatic Center. The Construction Committee received multiple proposals for Architecture and Engineering (A/E) firms with Aquatic Design specialists, as well as Construction Management (CM) firms. The committee selected three A/E firms and three CM firms for in-depth discussion and detailed presentations. Each firm provided excellent presentations and showcased their individual strengths. After considerable evaluation, the Construction Committee unanimously agreed on the firms that would be recommended to the HACSPA Board of Directors.
On Thursday, August 15, the HACSPA Board of Directors was presented with the recommendation of the Construction Committee and unanimously agreed to engage AMDG Architects and OLC Aquatic Design, and Lakewood Construction. The team is charged with meeting the renovation and expansion project goals with the expectation of meeting the goals of the project as presented to the community within a total project budget of $26.3 million.
Within the next few months the Design Team will meet to develop a detailed project timeline, and very detailed facility designs. More to come!
Jack Huisingh
HCAC Executive Director