The Triathlon Zone, Week 3: Custom Bike Fitting

Leading up to our 2025 HAC Indoor Triathlon, we’re offering a four-part blog series with our partners from The Center for Physical RehabilitationIn the Triathlon Zone, you’ll find tips and tricks for preparing for the event, staying healthy and safe, and having the best tri ever!

By Doug Wierenga, PTA, CEAS

Pain in your knees, feet, or buttocks… Numbness in your feet while riding… Does this sound like you? Then you might be a great candidate for a cycling (bike fit) analysis from The Center for Physical Rehabilitation! A bike fit analysis is crucial for athletes, particularly those competing in a triathlon, where cycling is a key discipline that directly impacts performance, comfort, and injury prevention. It is a tool that can help athletes in these five areas.

1. Enhancing Pedaling Efficiency: Cycling, like running, relies on efficient movement to conserve energy and maximize performance. A proper bike fit ensures that an athlete’s body is aligned in a way that promotes efficient pedaling mechanics. By adjusting saddle height, handlebar position, and cleat placement, a bike fit analysis helps ensure that the athlete’s power output is maximized while minimizing wasted energy.

2. Preventing Injuries: One of the most common issues athletes face when their bike fit is off is the risk of injury. Whether it’s knee pain from an incorrectly positioned saddle, lower back pain from handlebars that are too low, or neck discomfort from an improper reach, a poor fit can lead to chronic aches and injuries. Bike fit analysis helps prevent these issues by ensuring that all components of the bike are properly adjusted to the athlete’s unique body geometry.

3. Improving Comfort: Triathlons are long-distance events, and comfort is a key factor in performance, especially during the bike leg. A proper bike fit ensures that athletes can ride for extended periods without feeling discomfort or pain, which can significantly affect their energy levels and focus.

4. Aero Positioning: Aerodynamics is critical in triathlon cycling, as athletes are often riding at high speeds and need to minimize drag. A bike fit analysis helps optimize the athlete’s aerodynamic position on the bike, which can improve speed and performance. This includes adjusting the angle of the saddle, handlebar setup, and stem length to achieve a more aerodynamic riding posture.

5. Personalized Adjustments for Long-Term Performance: A professional bike fitting is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Every athlete has a unique body shape, flexibility, and riding style. A bike fit analysis takes all of these factors into account and creates a customized setup that works best for the individual. The analysis may also highlight areas for improvement in cycling form, leading to a personalized plan to enhance performance.

The Center for Physical Rehabilitation’s Cycling Analysis Program is a comprehensive biomechanical screen; an evaluation and correction of saddle, stem and foot placement; equipment recommendations; and an individualized home exercise program. The comprehensive evaluation of your upper quarter, lower quarter, core strength, and flexibility helps the physical therapist determine the best riding position for your body and individual needs. This reduces the risk of injury and maximizes your riding potential for optimal efficiency and comfort. If injury or dysfunction exists that adversely affects your riding ability, CPR’s physical therapists specialize in creating a personalized treatment program to specifically target those areas.

What should you expect from a cycling analysis? Depending on the package you select, you can plan for a one- to three-hour appointment. Bring your bike, bike shoes, and cycling apparel. The appointment will consist of intermittent riding along with adjustments and corrections.

The Center for Physical Rehabilitation would love to share more details and help you get the most out of your training and recovery. Call (616) 344-1664 for more information or visit the CPR website to explore further.