Swim Across the Big Lake Nick Hobson, a member here at the Aquatic Center, will soon be embarking on a challenge to swim across Lake Michigan, from Manitowoc, Wisconsin to Ludington, Michigan a distance of approximately 55 miles. If successful, he will become only the...
Pursuing a Dream
You’re never too old to try something new!Bob Hitesman This summer, Bob Hitesman (80) started swimming with our MLA Master’s program in preparation for his first ever swim meet. At first, he was nervous, but he quickly proved to his coach and teammates that he was a...
Devon Nowicki National Champion
This summer, Devon Nowicki made MLA history being the first US National Champion the team has produced.
Everyday Update August 2019
We're excited about the future of Holland Community Aquatic Center! Last month, our Holland Community Swimming Pool Authority (HACSPA) solicited proposals for architectural, engineering, and aquatic pool design services, as well as construction management services for...
WHTC Interview
Jack Huisingh, executive director at Holland Community Aquatic Center interviewed with WHTC on Wednesday, May 8 after the bond passed on May 7. Listen in!